The media and government have taken a routine virus and turned it into a nuclear bomb. Fear mongering, Removal of rights and now Quarantine instead of the word martial law. Society has dealt with virus outbreaks, and we are told at great costs. However, this isn't 1918, or other dates in the past. We have items that we can use that are so simple that those generations did not have access to.
Wash your hands often and Sanitize your home often - one tablespoon full of bleach in your kitchen sink will produce a sanitizer set at 200 ppm that will kill any virus on any surface.
Change your toothbrush
Do not shake hands if you are in public
If you feel ill stay home
There is no need for quarantining an entire society. This is an exercise to see how as citizens we would react, and we failed. The majority of our society has succumbed to this hysteria. We have had our rights removed by the use of fear and a lie. Canada has only registered 1,959 cases of Covid infection. The government informed the citizens that it was a Viral outbreak of catastrophic proportions.
98% of all people who will contract the virus will show now signs of infection. Of the last 2% of society they will show mild forms of the infection. Yes, in the past we have had wide spreading viruses, but what happened with H1N1 and SARS? Did we have millions of infected in Canada? No, and why not? We have things in place in Canada that are not available in other countries. We have a wide variety of health-related laws in Canada, hospitals, public areas, restaurants, public spaces that allow for the care of our citizens.
Of the cases of illness occurred between January 15 and March 15, 2020 52% of cases are male, 31% of cases are 60 years old and over, 11% of cases have been hospitalized. 20 people have died of COVID-10,69% of cases are travelers and 13% are close contacts of travelers. These stats have changed in the last week, but the statistical results are the same. There will be less than 1% of the Canadian public that will contract the virus.
You have started to believe propaganda. It creates confusion and distraction and are used in magical acts to allow the magic to occur. You have all fallen for slight of hand. Your rights are leaving.
Do not shake hands if you are in public
If you feel ill stay home
There is no need for quarantining an entire society. This is an exercise to see how as citizens we would react, and we failed. The majority of our society has succumbed to this hysteria. We have had our rights removed by the use of fear and a lie. Canada has only registered 1,959 cases of Covid infection. The government informed the citizens that it was a Viral outbreak of catastrophic proportions.
98% of all people who will contract the virus will show now signs of infection. Of the last 2% of society they will show mild forms of the infection. Yes, in the past we have had wide spreading viruses, but what happened with H1N1 and SARS? Did we have millions of infected in Canada? No, and why not? We have things in place in Canada that are not available in other countries. We have a wide variety of health-related laws in Canada, hospitals, public areas, restaurants, public spaces that allow for the care of our citizens.
Of the cases of illness occurred between January 15 and March 15, 2020 52% of cases are male, 31% of cases are 60 years old and over, 11% of cases have been hospitalized. 20 people have died of COVID-10,69% of cases are travelers and 13% are close contacts of travelers. These stats have changed in the last week, but the statistical results are the same. There will be less than 1% of the Canadian public that will contract the virus.
You have started to believe propaganda. It creates confusion and distraction and are used in magical acts to allow the magic to occur. You have all fallen for slight of hand. Your rights are leaving.