Manitoba now falls under the vale of the dark lord of the sith....A alternative media radio show host was forcefully removed from his position due to its "challenge" of local government, and provincial government.
Slowly all our free speech rights, the right to challenge authority, the right to ask a fucking question that is our LEGAL right to ask are being eroded and removed.
The government "and by that I mean the figure heads" are being controlled by big business, donations, power groups and alternative world organizations that want to turn us into automatons that do not ask any questions but live by a one world government.
This is another attack by the elite to remove an ability to question local authority. The Great Canadian Talk Show was a source of information that lead local listeners in the Winnipeg area to think and question there local leaders.
However, the militant control freak whom ran a local college in BC into debt and turmoil that is now in control of a soon to be financially destroyed local college has bowed to local, regional and media mogul pressure to exercise a local voice from the airwaves in Winnipeg Manitoba. She did so without even participating in evaluating the product, looking into the products successfull education of students whom worked on the program, hell even the guests that came to the radio station. Before TGCTS has the mayor of Winnipeg ever been invited to appear on any show on the Red River Campus? I am sure that before the GCTS that the mayor had listened to the station about as much as the vaginal control freak does now.
Do you actually understand what this means? It means that our rights are being removed without any question. When a citizen of our great country and city takes matters into his own hands, and has groups like the Parking Authority sicking watch dogs on a local media activist, your rights are also in jeopardy.
This isn't just a cause for concern. Its an ALERT. We are being raped of our rights without a fight. And Marty Gold was our Champion, willing to fight for us and "the woman" took the media pressure and EXECUTED the radio show.
We as Manitoba citizens need to get TGCTS back on the air. We should march to the college and open the doors and demand the return of the show. That college is paid for, funded by student tuition, government funds and donations. Ask yourself a few questions. If the college is funded by students, then who is to say what is right for the college? Obviously the students. Who is the government? We are...We control how much money WE give the college.
Take control of our airwaves. The college, the government are all corrupt. They are corrupt so that the only freedoms that are to be enjoyed are theirs, not yours. Taking away TGCTS is another slow erosion of our rights.
Take a stand now.........Get your voice back....
Maybe we should charge the college with rape?
Maybe this should be addressed on our radio show.....No one can take that away.
Should we discuss this? Or should I rant....